Home News Man still critical after shooting outside Port Richmond strip club

Man still critical after shooting outside Port Richmond strip club


A 21-year-old man is in critical condition following a shooting that happened on Richmond Street in Port Richmond during the Fourth of July weekend.

According to police spokeswoman Officer Christine O’Brien, the incident occurred at about 1:22 a.m. in the early hours of Sunday, July 3.

At that time, she said, a 21-year-old man — whom she declined to identify — was behind The Cove, a gentleman’s club at 3182 Richmond St., talking with friends when he was approached by another group of men.

O’Brien said the two groups exchanged words and an altercation ensued.

The man was punched in the face, she said, and as he was reeling from the punch, buckled over, he heard a gunshot.

“Nobody saw who fired the gun,” O’Brien said.

The officer said that not only did the victim not see who fired, but no one reportedly saw a gun at the time of the incident.

The wounded victim told police he felt a pain in his side. That evening he was taken to Hahnemann University Hospital in critical condition.

The man was shot in the right side of his back.

The most recent report O’Brien could find stated that the victim had recently undergone surgery for his injury and remained in the hospital as of Thursday, July 7.

Currently, the incident is under investigation and Officer O’Brien said police are still working to determine if there is any surveillance footage of the incident that may have been taken from cameras in the area.

Reporter Hayden Mitman can be reached at 215–354–3124 or hmitman@bsmphilly.com

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