Riverward upcoming events for April 18


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Flea market at Konrad Square

The Friends of Konrad Square will host a flea market on Saturday, April 28, at Konrad Square Park, Tulip and Dauhins streets, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Anyone interested in renting a space should call Vicky at 215–426–9654. ••

24th Police District hotline

The Philadelphia Police Department’s 24th district has debuted a new tip line that allows residents to report narcotics or illegal activity anonymously. The tip-line number is 215–685–3281. In an emergency, call 9–1–1. ••

PROPAC and PRTW to meet

The Port Richmond Civic and Port Richmond Town Watch groups will hold a joint meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1, at the Samuel Recreation Center at Gaul and Tioga streets. ••

Dog day at Penn Treaty Park

On Saturday, May 5, at 10 a.m., the Friends of Penn Treaty Park invite all neighbors to bring their dogs down to Penn Treaty Park at Delaware and Columbia avenues. Rain date is May 6.

Dog treats will be provided, but please bring your own water. ••

Clothesline art contest

The Friends of Penn Treaty Park will host the annual Clothesline Art Contest on Saturday, May 12, from 10 a.m. until noon.

Children from preschool age to 16 are invited to participate. The contest will be held at Penn Treaty Park, at Delaware and Columbia avenues. For more information, call Friends of Penn Treaty Park vice president Barbara Morehead at 215–425–0393. ••

Red Cross blood drive in B-burg

The American Red Cross will host a blood drive on Monday, April 30, at St. John Cantius Church. The drive will be held from 1 to 7 p.m. in the church auditorium, Orthodox and Almond streets in Bridesburg.

Appointments are not necessary, but are preferred.

For more information, call Maryann at 215–533–2698. ••

End of the world at Walking Fish

B. Someday Productions and Walking Fish Burlesque will present a new comedy, “The End of the World — a Burlesque Comedy,” by Emily Currier and directed by Stan Heleva, from April 18 through April 22 at Walking Fish Theatre, 2509 Frankford Ave.

All performances during the five-day production schedule will start at 8 p.m.

Tickets are $18 and can be purchased online and at the door.

The show on Wednesday, April 18, is pay-what-you-can.

For more information, call 215–427–9255, e-mail [email protected], or visit the Web site at www.walkingfishtheatre.com. ••

PRWCAN to discuss 911

The next meeting of the Port Richmond West CAN (Community Action Network) will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 18, at the Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Frankford Avenue and Cambria Street.

Representatives of Philadelphia Police Radio will be on hand to explain how the city’s 911 emergency dispatch system works.

Additionally, members of the Managing Director’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) are expected to discuss when and how they become involved in an emergency, fire, disaster or weather emergency.

For more information, call 267–650–6168 or send e-mail to [email protected] ••

Justice for Wayne walk

At 10 a.m. on July 28, there will be a march in memory of Wayne Ellis. He was shot and killed at Belgrade Street and Frankford Avenue on July 28, 2002, while on his was home. He left behind a daughter, as well as friends and family. His family said that it was his mother’s dying wish to know who killed her son.

In the 10 years since his death, no one has been charged with the crime. The march hopes to break the silence.

They seek 100 or more people to join the walk. Everyone is welcome. Afterward there will be a block party (a beef and beer) at 2310 E. Fletcher St.

The walk will begin at Front and Spring Garden streets and head to Frankford Avenue at Belgrade Street.

It costs $10 per person to participate in the walk and enjoy the beef and beer. You will receive a bracelet and T-shirt.

Admission for just the beef and beer is $20.

The family will be selling shirts, bracelets, raffle tickets and baskets.

Any donations or sponsors would be appreciated.

For more information, e-mail Amy Elliss at f[email protected] or call 267–339–1133 ••

South Kenzo zoning meeting

A zoning meeting will be held at the South Kensington Community Partners at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 18, at 1301 N. 2nd St.

During the meeting, there will be voting on three area proposals as well as a presentation on a plan to bring a commercial and housing project to the former site of the Pieri Factory at 100 W. Oxford St.

Residents are urged to attend the session. ••

Walk for MS

There will be a Walk for Multiple Sclerosis on May 5 at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Fishtown resident Kathy Tiscavitch, who copes with MS, is seeking sponsors to help raise money to benefit research for a cure to the illness. For more information, or to register for the walk, visit www.4ms.org or call 1–800–883-WALK. ••

Cione trip to New Hampshire

There will be a four-day, three-night trip from the Cione Playground at Aramingo and Lehigh avenues to Lincoln, N.H., from Oct. 18 to 21.

There will be a cocktail reception, accommodations with indoor pool, lounge, three breakfasts and three dinners.

For more information, call 215–685–9950. Seating is limited. ••

Tigers teeball signups

The Port Richmond Tigers have closed signups for the baseball and softball teams. But there is still room for teeball.

Girls and boys, ages 4 through 6, can sign up now at the Tigers clubhouse, Chatham and Ann streets, Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 8 p.m., or by calling Tom Mack at 215–275–8838. ••

Chinese auction in Bridesburg

On Saturday, April 21, the Bridesburg Emanuel United Church of Christ, at the intersection of Filmore and Thompson streets, will host a Chinese auction at 12:30 p.m.

Doors open at 11 a.m., admission is $3 and tickets will be sold at the door. Lunch and refreshments will be sold. All are welcome to attend. ••

Flea market at Glavin

Frank Glavin Playground, located at 2600 Westmorland St., will host a Spring Flea Market on Saturday, May 12, from 9 a.m. to noon. Donations for a table are $10 per vendor.

Table setup is on a first-come, first-serve basis. No food vendors, please. A rain date will be announced at a later time if necessary. ••

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