Star readers sure do know how to make the new girl feel welcome.
As the Managing Editor of the Star, I ended my first week Friday with a smile on my face. During the week, I heard from so many readers: those who called wished me good luck; our Facebook friends were quick to give positive feedback, and many sent in notices they wanted to share — birthday wishes, engagement announcements and warm words of thanks.
I now know one thing for sure: the Star means a great deal to its readers.
It already means a great deal to me, too.
I’ve arrived here after reporting for a few newspapers and magazines in my home state, Delaware, then writing for Philadelphia City Paper, and most recently spending a summer at Newsday in New York. I always felt very connected, though, to Philadelphia — I once fell in love with this city, and I couldn’t be happier to be back.
Star’s contributors and columnists, its fantastic staff reporter Hayden Mitman and I want to bring you the best paper we possibly can.
We want to keep you informed of the issues. We want you to know how to make your voice heard in your community. We want to share the exciting events going on in your neighborhoods.
Most importantly, though, we want you to talk to us. We want to hear your story ideas, your thoughts and opinions, or what you want to see in print. This is your newspaper. I’m just excited to be a part of it.
Reach out to me at [email protected].