Though the owners of Port Richmond’s favorite bakery go on vacation during the month of July and could not be interviewed by press time, it’s not hard to round up details about the place — the bakery has won in many previous years of Star’s contest. Plus, it’s basically famous.
Now owned by the fourth generation of the Stock family, the bakery with the signature yellow door has been in business since 1924.
Since then, it’s been providing the hungry masses with cakes, cookies and an overwhelmingly popular item — its pound cake, the most well-known treat from the bakery, for which customers will wait in lines that snake throughout the neighborhood during the holidays.
In fact, in the past, the owners of the bakery went to City Council with 15,000 signatures seeking to protect the recipes passed down from founder Josef Stock. A bill to ban the use of trans fats would have forced the bakery to discontinue the shortening used in many of their recipes.Stock’s was given an exemption, and the pound cake has stayed true to the original recipe.
For Star’s “Best of” issue in 2008, Christine Stock DeCarles, manager at Stock’s, was quoted as saying:
“The reason we are the best bakery is because we have the best customers,” she said. “Without them, we wouldn’t be who we are.”
Call Stock’s at 215–634–7344.
-Mikala Jamison
Runner Up: Marian’s Bakery at 2615 E. Allegheny Ave.