Home News Second armed robbery at York St. Pharmacy Monday

Second armed robbery at York St. Pharmacy Monday


York St. Pharmacy, a t 2334 E. York St. SAM NEWHOUSE / STAR PHOTO

The pharmacy now plans to install additional security measures.

Three armed men burst into York Street Pharmacy, 2334 E. York St. in Fishtown on Monday just before 11 a.m., making off with an estimated $30,000 worth of prescription medication, police said.

The three black males, one of whom had a gun, knocked down a woman entering the pharmacy as they exited. She scraped her right knee and side in the fall.

According to police, as the three men fled on foot down York Street and up Cedar Street, one of the robbers fired a gun into the air.

Police said that about $1,000 in cash was stolen and estimated that $30,000 worth of pills was stolen.

The exact type of drugs stolen was not made public by police or York St. Pharmacy.

This was the second armed robbery at York St. Pharmacy in four months. The last robbery occurred in November, during Hurricane Sandy, and was part of a string of robberies in the Philadelphia area.

Pharmacy manager Ervis Rrapi said that the pharmacy now plans to install a buzzer security door.

Look for more on this story and an in-depth interview with pharmacy management in next week’s print issue.

Reporter Sam Newhouse can be reached at 215–354–3124 or at snewhouse@bsmphilly.com.

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