Neighborhood news in brief for the week of August 28


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State wants motorists’ input

PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission seek the public’s input on traveler information through a brief online survey, available at and at

The anonymous survey includes questions on the types of traffic information travelers find valuable, how they access and utilize that information and how traffic information affects their driving habits.

It also asks for feedback on PennDOT’s 511PA traveler information service and the PTC’s Turnpike Roadway Information Program.

PennDOT’s 511PA service provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, average traffic speeds on urban interstates and access to more than 679 real-time traffic cameras.

TRIP provides real-time traffic conditions, weather alerts and travel information online, on the road and on your phone or mobile device for the 552 miles of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. ••

Archdiocese to host lecture series

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office for Family, Life and the Laity in September will continue a special lecture series initiated last year by Pope Benedict XVI. The series presents an opportunity for all to come to a deeper understanding of the true meaning of Catholic faith, its authentic content and its orientation toward the transformation of the world. All lectures take place at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Vianney Hall Auditorium, 100 E. Wynnewood Road, Wayne, PA 19096.

Dr. Brad Gregory, professor of early modern European history at the University of Notre Dame, will discuss themes from The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society on Sept. 12 from 7 to 9 p.m.

One week later, Mr. Ross Douthat, a New York Times columnist, will discuss themes from Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics, on Sept. 19 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Finally, on Oct. 1 from 7 to 9 p.m., Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia will discuss Fire Upon the Earth, A Call to Conversion and the New Evangelization. ••

Casino to host charity run

Parx Casino and Parx Racing at 2999 Street Road in Bensalem will host the second annual Octoberfest 5K Run to benefit the Foundation for Breast and Prostate Health on Saturday, Oct. 12. Participants will get to run on the legendary Pennsylvania racetrack for a truly meaningful cause.

The Foundation is a Philadelphia nonprofit and think tank highly regarded worldwide in the advancement of breast and prostate cancer research and treatment. The event will coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

“Parx has been a generous supporter of the Foundation for Breast and Prostate Health for the past two years, donating time, resources and support to our annual Father’s Day Gary Papa Run,” said Colleen Daley, the Foundation’s executive director. “We are thrilled to be chosen as Parx’s 5K beneficiary and to continue this wonderful partnership.”

The event is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. with runners traveling the perimeter of the casino and racetrack grounds and finishing on the track itself. Famed announcer Keith Jones will call the final lap. There will also be a one-mile fun walk at 9:30 a.m. Cameras will be placed along the course so that supporters can watch the action unfold on the track’s infield video screens.

Cash wagering vouchers and trophies will be awarded to overall and age-group top-three finishers. Gift cards will be awarded in youth divisions.

Registration is available in advance via or on-site at 8 a.m. before the race. ••

Special veterans license plates available

Members and veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces who have served with a U.S. Military Airborne Unit or as a World War II Merchant Mariner can now display their service with new license plates available from PennDOT.

“These new plates recognize the added challenges faced by the brave service members who served with our nation’s military airborne units and those who served with the Merchant Marines during World War II,” said PennDOT Secretary Barry J. Schoch. “PennDOT is proud to recognize the contributions of all of our military members.”

State legislation passed earlier this year established the new registration plates. The Airborne plate features images of jump and glider wings. The Merchant Marine emblem appears on the plate designated for its veterans.

For information about the new plates and other military plates, visit and select the “Military License Plates” link under the “Military Personnel/Veterans” Information Center. ••

— Compiled by John Loftus

Current Edition Star

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