The children and teachers at Bridesburg Recreation Center’s Tot Program gathered to honor Miss Jackie. CAROLAN DIFIORE / STAR PHOTOS
The 4500–4600 block of Richmond Street was officially dubbed “Miss Jackie’s Way” on the morning of Dec. 18. Said Barbara McNally, of Bridesburg: “She just smiles all the time. Everything she does for the community, it all comes easy to her.”
John McBride, the supervisor of the Bridesburg Recreation Center, said, “This is a token of how many lives she’s touched through her dedication and love of the community. If anyone deserves this, she does.”
Patty-Pat Kozlowski, who works for in stewardship for the city’s Department of Parks and Recreation, awarded Miss Jackie with the “keys to Bridesburg,” a compilation of old keys bought by local residents with tags recounting fond memories of Jackie’s time at Bridesburg. Kozlowski said she heard from people as far as Florida calling to hear more about DeSanctis’s block dedication. “We got calls from all over from people who heard about it online and wanted to call and congratulate her,” she said.

(From left to right) Councilman Bobby Henon, Miss Jackie, State Representative John Taylor, and Deputy Mayor for Environmental and Community Resources Michael DiBerardinis are presented with the “Miss Jackie’s Way” street sign to be placed on the 4600 block of Richmond Street in front of the Bridesburg Recreation Center. CAROLAN DIFIORE/STAR PHOTOS

Santa Claus himself escorted DeSanctis from inside Bridesburg Recreation Center through the crowd to the site where her street sign would be hung. CAROLAN DIFIORE/STAR PHOTOS

Patty-Pat Kozlowski awards Miss Jackie with the “keys to Bridesburg,” a compilation of old keys bought by local residents with tags recounting fond memories of Jackie’s time at Bridesburg. CAROLAN DIFIORE/STAR PHOTOS