River Wards events for the week of March 29


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PVVM memorial markers

The deadline for spring orders for the 12 x 12 granite pavers has been changed to March 31. The $350 donation made payable to (PVVM) Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Front and Spruce streets, is used to maintain the site which honors the 648 Philadelphians who died during the Vietnam War. Appropriate personalization that honors any Veteran’s service includes four lines of text with 21 units per line. For details, contact Sandy Bukowski at 267–253–2965, or [email protected].

Craft show

Franklin Towne Charter High School will hold a spring craft show on Saturday, April 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bridesburg Rec Center, 4625 Richmond St. Spaces are $25 each or two spots for $45. Tables included. Make checks payable to the TPA and send it to Franklin Towne Charter HS , FTCHS TPA Craft Fair, 5301 Tacony Street Box 310. For details or a vendor application, call 215–289–5000.

FNA zoning meeting

FNA will hold a zoning meeting on Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m. at Fishtown Recreation Center, 1202 E. Montgomery Ave. Voting will take place on a request for an ordinance permitting outdoor sidewalk seating at 100–6 E. Girard Ave. and a proposal for outdoor PHS pop-up beer garden, which requires variances for the use of eating and drinking and multiple principal structures, at 1825 Frankford Ave. All residents and business owners in Fishtown are eligible to vote. Please bring proof of residence or business ownership.

Healthy cooking classes.

Fishtown Library, 1217 E. Montgomery Ave., will host a healthy cooking series on Wednesdays, April 5 (pasta feast), 12 (soup time), 19 (Chinese feast), and 26 (finger food), at 6 p.m. Participants will learn how to cook healthy meals, handle food, cooking methods, food safety and knife skills. Program will take place on the third floor. For details, call 215–685–9990.

Pub Theology: Fishtown

The next gathering of Pub Theology: Fishtown will be held on Thursday, April 6, at 7 p.m. at Front Street Cafe, Front and Thompson streets, on the second floor. PubTheology: Fishtown is a monthly conversation exploring the intersection of faith and life hosted by two local pastors from Fishtown. All are welcome.

Annual family auction

Our Lady of Port Richmond Regional Catholic School, 3233 Thompson St., will hold its annual family auction on Friday, April 7, from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are 25 for $5 and can be purchased at the event or through an OLPR student. The auction will be located in the lower hall. All are invited to enter through the Edgemont Street schoolyard. Food will be available for purchase starting at 5 p.m. and drawings for baskets will start at 7:30 p.m.

Easter candy sale

Bethesda Methodist Church, 2820 E. Venango St., will host its homemade Easter candy sale on Saturdays, April 8 and 15, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Easter eggs are 2 for $1 and include butter cream, coconut, chocolate, peanut butter, and fruit and nut. Lollypops, nests and other candy will be available for purchase for 50 cents to $1.

Easter egg hunt

There will be a free Easter egg hunt at Penn Treaty Park, 1341 N. Delaware Ave., on Saturday, April 8, at 11 a.m. Prizes for all. Bring a basket.

Palm Sunday service

“Old Brick” UMC, 929 Marlborough St., will celebrate Palm Sunday on Sunday, April 9, at 11:30 a.m. The service will be held outside on the Richmond side of the church, weather-permitting. In case of inclement weather, the service will be held in the chapel.

Easter hat and tie contest

The Bridesburg Rec Center, 4625 Richmond St., will hold its Easter hat and tie contest and candy scramble on Saturday, April 15, at 2 p.m. The event will include trophies, candy and a 50–50 raffle. Easter Bunny will be available for photos at 1:30 p.m. Bring a camera.

St. Laurentius 5k

The 6th Annual Saint Laurentius 5k will be held on Saturday, April 29. Cost is $25 in advance for adults 18 and older or $35 on race day; $20 in advance for students ages 17 and under or $30 on race day; and $10 in advance for walkers or $18 on race day. Fees support Saint Laurentius School. Block party to follow the race. For details, visit fishtown5k.org or email [email protected].

Flag disposal event

The members of Bridesburg Lawton VFW Post #2 and Boy Scouts of Troop 120 will be holding a disposal ceremony for damaged, dirty, or discarded American Flags outside of the VFW Post 2, 4638 Richmond St., on Saturday, May 6, at 2 p.m. Our fellow veterans, friends and neighbors are invited to attend the ceremony. If you have American Flags that you would like to dispose of, drop off at the VFW Post 2 Canteen. For details, call 215–537–0187.

Lenten services

St. Michael’s Church, Trenton Avenue and Cumberland Street, will offer Thursday Lenten Services. Soup and sandwich will be served at 6:30 p.m, followed by Devotions in the chapel at 7 p.m with bible study to follow in the parish hall. All are welcome. For details, call 215–423–0792.

Portside art classes

Portside Arts Center, 2531 E. Lehigh Ave., is offering after-school art classes including stop motion animation, drawing and mosaics. Entries are being accepted to win two free weeks of summer arts camp. Camp is for children ages 4 to 12, from June 26 to Aug. 18. Visit portsideartscenter.org for details

Donate aluminum can tabs

The Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4625 Richmond St., is collecting aluminum tabs. The collection benefits the Ronald McDonald House.

Easter candy sale

Bethesda Methodist Church, 2820 E. Venango St., will host its homemade Easter candy sale on Saturdays, April 8 and 15, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Easter eggs are 2 for $1 and include butter cream, coconut, chocolate, peanut butter, and fruit and nut. Lollypops, nests and other candy will be available for purchase for 50 cents to $1.

Easter egg hunt

There will be a free Easter egg hunt at Penn Treaty Park, 1341 N. Delaware Ave., on Saturday, April 8, at 11 a.m. Prizes for all. Bring a basket.

Palm Sunday service

“Old Brick” UMC, 929 Marlborough St., will celebrate Palm Sunday on Sunday, April 9, at 11:30 a.m. The service will be held outside on the Richmond side of the church, weather-permitting. In case of inclement weather, the service will be held in the chapel.

Easter hat and tie contest

The Bridesburg Rec Center, 4625 Richmond St., will hold its Easter hat and tie contest and candy scramble on Saturday, April 15, at 2 p.m. The event will include trophies, candy and a 50–50 raffle. The Easter Bunny will be available for photos at 1:30 p.m. Bring a camera.

St. Laurentius 5k

The 6th Annual Saint Laurentius 5k will be held on Saturday, April 29. Cost is $25 in advance for adults 18 and older or $35 on race day; $20 in advance for students ages 17 and under or $30 on race day; and $10 in advance for walkers or $18 on race day. Fees support Saint Laurentius School. Block party to follow the race. For details, visit fishtown5k.org or email [email protected].

Flag disposal event

The members of Bridesburg Lawton VFW Post #2 and Boy Scouts of Troop 120 will be holding a disposal ceremony for damaged, dirty, or discarded American Flags outside of the VFW Post 2, 4638 Richmond St., on Saturday, May 6, at 2 p.m. Our fellow veterans, friends and neighbors are invited to attend the ceremony. If you have American Flags that you would like to dispose of, they can be dropped off at the VFW Post 2 Canteen. For details, call 215–537–0187.

Lenten services

St. Michael’s Church, Trenton Avenue and Cumberland Street, will offer Thursday Lenten Services. Soup and sandwich will be served at 6:30 p.m, followed by Devotions in the chapel at 7 p.m with bible study to follow in the parish hall. All are welcome. For details, call 215–423–0792.

Portside art classes

Portside Arts Center, 2531 E. Lehigh Ave., is offering after-school art classes including stop motion animation, drawing and mosaics. Entries are being accepted to win two free weeks of summer arts camp. Camp is for children ages 4 to 12, from June 26 to Aug. 18. Visit portsideartscenter.org for details.

Donate aluminum can tabs

The Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4625 Richmond St., is collecting aluminum tabs. The collection benefits the Ronald McDonald House.

Looking for classmates

The Class of 1967 from Kensington High School for Girls will hold its 50th reunion in October. Date and location is forthcoming. If you were a member of the Class of 1967 and are interested in the reunion, contact Lynn Dixon at [email protected].

Toddler Story Hour

Friends of Adaire invites preschool-age kids and their caregivers to participate in its weekly, themed story-and-crafts Toddler Story Hour in the library at Alexander Adaire K-8 School, 1300 E. Palmer St., once a week until March 28, on Tuesdays from 4 to 5 p.m. All ages are welcome at this free event, but the story and activities are geared to preschool-age children. Enter through the Adaire Visitors’ Entrance on Thompson Street near Earl. For details, email [email protected].

Cione Playground programs

Cione Playground, 2600 Aramingo Ave., is offering programs to the public. Zumba classes will be held on Fridays, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. and cost is $5 per class. Free arts and crafts for kids ages 5 to 12 will take place on Saturdays, from noon to 1:30 p.m. Upcoming programs include foot hockey for ages 10 to 12. Must have helmet with face cage and gloves. Start date will be late March or early April. Registration is $35. Flag Football for kids 10 to 12. Cost is $5. For details or to signup for programs, call 215–685–9880 or follow Cione Recreation Center on Facebook.

Glavin programs

Frank Glavin “A&W” Playground is offering the following programs. Improv for Kids is held on Thursdays, from 6:30 to 7:30, starting on Feb. 16, for children ages 8 to 12. The drama program aims to improve self-confidence, social skills and teach kids how to make up silly scenes on the spot. Fee is $40 for eight weeks. Advance registration is required. Book Club for youth ages 6 and over will be held on Mondays, from 6 to 6;30 p.m. with Miss Bridget. Program is free. Chess Club for youth ages 6 and older will be held on Tuesdays, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., starting on Feb. 7. Participants will learn the basics of chess and strategies to improve. Cost is $20 for eight weeks. For details on programs, call 215–685–9898 or email [email protected].

Portside Arts programs

Portside Arts Center, 2531 E. Lehigh Ave., is offering several programs. Girl Power Arts will begin on March 1. Students learn about famous women in art history and work on 2D and 3D projects. Program will be held on Wednesdays, until March 29. Girls ages 8 to 12 will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Girls 13 to 17 will meet from 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. Register at tinyurl.com/GirlPowerOne or tinyurl.com/GirlPowerTwo. Art Projex will be held on Wednesdays, from March 1 to 29, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Classes will study different art forms and their history. Class is for kids ages 13 to 17. Register at tinyurl.com/ArtProjex. Visual Arts will be held on Wednesdays, from March 1 to 29. Students will experience drawing, painting, printmaking, stop motion animation, fiber arts, clay sculpture, found object sculpture and more. For ages 8 to 12. Register at tinyurl.com/ChildrensVisualArts. For details, call 215–427–1514.

Food pantry morning hours change

St. Michael’s Church, Trenton Avenue and Cumberland Street, has revised hours for the weekly food pantry distributions. Distribution hours are from 11 a.m. to noon. There will no longer be evening hours. Members from the 19125 and 19134 may come twice a month or three times a month if a month has five Thursdays. For details, call 215–423–0792.

Women self-defense classes

Women self-defense classes will be held at Fishtown Recreation Center, 1202 E. Montgomery Ave., on Tuesdays, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost is $10 per class. Course certification available. Classes are held on the third and fourth Tuesday of every month. For details, call 862–371–4455 or 215–685–9885 or email [email protected].

Yoga at Towey Rec

Roots2Rise will hold yoga classes at Towey Rec, 1832 N. Howard St., on Wednesdays, at 6 p.m. Cost is $5 per class. Participants must bring a mat. For details, visit roots2rise.com.

Support group

Lost parents and family members group meets every third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Cione Recreation Center, Lehigh and Aramingo avenues. Anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one, friend or whoever is welcome.

Bridesburg food pantry

Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4625 Richmond St., is accepting nonperishable food and clothing donations for the needy in the neighborhood. Donations can be dropped off on weekdays, between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Kirtan class

MotherHeart Studio, 2359 E. Susquehanna Ave., welcomes everyone in the neighborhood to take part in MotherHeart Kirtan. Kirtan is the recitation of spiritual ideas through songs of devotion. Style is call and response singing of mantra and sounds.Event begins at 7:15 p.m on every second Friday of the month. Donation only.

Bingo at Ukrainian Cathedral

Bingo will be held at the Ukrainian Cathedral, 801 N. 8th St. on every Monday and Friday. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games begin at 7 p.m. Private parking lot on premises. For details, call 215–839–8103.

Bingo at St. Anne’s Center

St. Anne’s Senior Community Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St., offers bingo on Monday and Thursdays. Bingo supplies are on sale at 11 a.m. Lunch is at 11:30 a.m. Bingo will begin at 12:30 p.m. Registration required for lunch. Free parking is available. CCT transportation is offered for members 65 and up. For details, call 215–426–9799.

Senior exercise classes

Exercise classes for people 50 and older will be offered at St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Class schedule will be Enhance-Fitness on Thursdays and Fridays, at 10:30 a.m., Chair Yoga on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. (except the second Tuesday of each month), and Tai Chi on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Latin Rhythm will be held on Mondays, at 10 a.m. through Nov. 28. For details, call 215–426–9799.

Creative art classes

St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St., is offering creative workshops for individuals ages 50 and older. Clay Creations will be held on Fridays, from 12:30 to 2 p.m.. Creating with the Color Wheel, an interactive painting class with Michael Secor, will be held on Tuesdays, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Registration required. For details, call 215–426–9799.

Zumba classes

Zumba classes for adults are held year-round at Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4625 Richmond St., on Mondays and Thursdays, from 7 to 8 p.m. Room is air-conditioned. Cost is $4 per class. All are welcome.


Adult scrapbooking takes place at Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4625 Richmond St., on Wednesdays, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Cost is $5 per class. Bring photos and a book. All other supplies provided. Room is air-conditioned. For details, contact Miss Jackie at 215–685–1247.

Ladies bowling league

Bridesburg Recreation Center sponsors a ladies bowling league on Tuesdays, at 9 a.m. at Erie Lanes. Interested women can come any Tuesday morning. For details, contact Miss Jackie at 215–685–1247.

Bridesburg bows and banners

Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4625 Richmond St., has St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, spring bows and Bridesburg pride banners are available for purchase. Police, firemen, breast cancer and yellow bows are always available. Bows and banners cost $3 each and can be purchased any weekday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Special colors are available in one week. All proceeds benefit the children’s activities at the center. For details, call 215–685–1247.

Marine veterans group

The All Divisions Detachment of the Pennsylvania Marine Corps League, a Marine veterans group, is seeking Marines and Navy Corpsmen to join its detachment. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, at 7p.m. at the FOP building, 11630 Caroline Road. For more information, email quartermaster Don Campanile at [email protected], call Charlie Trainor at 267–281–2228 or visit alldivisionsmcl.org.

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