We Care Soccer Camp wraps up 23rd consecutive clinic in Fishtown

By Melissa Komar
Hetzel Field was filled with kids sporting grey T-shirts, eating rainbow-flavored water ice and lugging new soccer balls under their arms as they exited the side gate on Friday.
We Care Soccer Camp had just wrapped up its 23rd consecutive year thanks to Fishtown native Pat Cain Sr.

Cain started the camp in summer 1994 with 50 soccer balls and 50 T-shirts donated from a local fireman, Stan “The Cutman” Maliszewski, because “there was nothing around for the kids to do during the summer.”

Now, more than 100 kids are served during the free, week-long clinic.
Lunch is provided each day, and instructors are soccer players from local high schools.
“This is great for the older kids who went to camp here,” Cain said. “They come back and help with the younger kids.”
Local businesses donate the food, T-shirts, water ice and soccer balls.

“The community is great to the camp,” Cain said. “And it’s all about the kids.”