Stay up to date on what’s going on in your neighborhood

A Magic Sleigh Ride with John McBride
The Star Facebook page will feature A Magic Sleigh Ride with John McBride through Sunday, Dec. 24. McBride, leader at Bridesburg Recreation Center, is reading Christmas-themed stories for 12 consecutive nights, leading up to Christmas Eve. To see and hear McBride’s stories, visit the Star Facebook page each night at 7 o’clock. The first story will be posted on Wednesday, Dec. 13, and each story will remain on the page through Christmas. ••
Holiday bazaar and arts and crafts fair
There will be a holiday bazaar and arts and crafts fair to support local artists and hurricane disaster relief efforts for those who have relocated to Philadelphia on Saturday, Dec. 16, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at West Kensington Ministry, 2140 N. Hancock St. The event will feature poetry, music and entertainment. Creative and unique crafts by local artists will be available for purchase. For more details, contact Luz Selenia Salas at 267–2559726 or [email protected] or WKM at 267–324–7386 or [email protected]. ••
Greensgrow holiday bazaar
Greensgrow Farms, 2501 E. Cumberland St., will hold its holiday bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 16 and Sunday, Dec. 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.There will be a range of fine art, crafts and gifts, jewelry, ceramics, wood working, accessories, green gifts, bath and body, Greensgrow made edible and growing gifts, and lots more. There are different artists each day of the event, so check the vendor list. Evergreen swags, holiday trees and more will be available for winter decor. Trees range in size from tabletop to tall. For more details, visit
Lunch with Santa
PROPAC and Port Richmond Town Watch will host Lunch with Santa on Sunday, Dec. 17, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Columbia Social Club, 3529 Almond St. The event includes lunch, prizes and Santa. Children must register for the event by Thursday, Dec. 14 at Space is limited and the event is for children 7 and under. For more details, call Anne at 215–380–9782. ••
FNA zoning meeting
The Fishtown Neighbors Association will hold a zoning meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m. at the Fishtown Recreation Center, 1202 E. Montgomery Ave to discuss the following project:
1448 E. Hollingsworth St., two off-street parking spaces on a lot without a principal use; 1342 E. Montgomery Ave., two off-street parking spaces accessory to an existing single family dwelling, with parking accessed from the Eyre Street side; and 1043–69 N. Front St., the erection of nine illuminated flatwall signs for by-right/previously approved vehicle sales and rental building (Carvana), with a mounting height of 75'-4" proposed for eight of the nine signs. All residents and business owners in Fishtown are eligible to vote. Bring proof of residence of business ownership. ••
Free photos with Santa
State Sen. Christine Tartaglione and state Rep. Angel Cruz will host free photos with Santa Claus on Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2 to 5 p.m. at the senator’s new office, 400 W. Allegheny Ave., Suite E-11. Families are invited to come and get their pictures taken with Santa for free. Information about state-sponsored programs and services including home heating assistance and rent rebates will be available. ••
Adaire Chess Club
The Adaire Chess Club, founded and run by Friends of Adaire board member Stefan Zajic, meets Mondays after school. Each week, 15–30 students of all grades meet to play chess, solve puzzles, learn tactics and strategy and to have fun. For more details, please email Zajic at [email protected]. ••
Women self-defense classes
Women self-defense classes will be held at Fishtown Recreation Center, 1202 E. Montgomery Ave., on Tuesdays, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost is $10 per class. Course certification available. Classes are held on the third and fourth Tuesdays of every month. For details, call (862) 371–4455 or (215) 685–9885 or email [email protected]. ••
Support group
Lost parents and family members group meets every third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Cione Recreation Center, Lehigh and Aramingo avenues. Anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one, friend or whoever is welcome. ••
Nutrition assistance for seniors
Residents 60 and older who are disabled and have low to modest income may be eligible for SNAP benefits. If you are single and your income is less than $1,962 a month, or less than $2,656 a month for a couple, you may qualify. There is no limit on how much a senior has in savings and checking accounts. For assistance in completing an application, schedule an appointment with the social service coordinator at St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St., (215) 426–9799. ••
Bingo at Ukrainian Cathedral
Bingo will be held at the Ukrainian Cathedral, 801 N. 8th St., on every Monday and Friday. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games begin at 7 p.m. Private parking lot on premises. For details, call (215) 839–8103. ••
Bingo at St. Anne’s Center
St. Anne’s Senior Community Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St., offers bingo on Mondays and Thursdays. Bingo supplies are on sale at 11 a.m. Lunch is at 11:30 a.m. Bingo will begin at 12:30 p.m. Registration required for lunch. Free parking is available. CCT transportation is offered for members 65 and up. For details, call (215) 426–9799. ••
Senior exercise classes
Exercise classes for people 50 and older will be offered at St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Class schedule will be Enhance-Fitness on Mondays at 12:30 p.m., Thursdays at 11 a.m., and Fridays, at 10:30 a.m., Chair Yoga on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. (except the second Tuesday of each month), and Tai Chi on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. ••
Creative art classes
St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St., is offering creative workshops for individuals ages 50 and older. Clay Creations will be held on Fridays, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Creating with the Color Wheel, an interactive painting class with Michael Secor, will be held on Tuesdays, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Registration required. For details, call (215) 426–9799. ••