River Wards events for the week of Oct. 24


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Designer bag Bingo

Franklin Towne Parent Association will host designer bag bingo on Friday, Oct. 25, at Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road. Doors open at 6 p.m.

Tickets cost $40 per person or $350 for a table of 10. Buffet and beer included with ticket. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase.

A portion of proceeds will benefit Franklin Towne alumna Anatole Konstantindis, who is at CHOP fighting leukemia.

For tickets, call Yvonne at 215-915-0078 or Krista at 267-437-0384. ••

Pony Poo Bingo at Saint George

Friends of Saint George will host Pony Poo Bingo on Saturday, Oct. 26, at noon at the school, Edgemont and Venango streets.

Tickets are $20 per bingo block. The grand prize is $500. The winner does need not be present.

For tickets, call Mike at 215-806-3425, Sean at 856-297-6630, or Robin at 215-385-0279.  Tickets are also available at Hecker’s Variety, Mercer and Venango streets, or Saint George School.

The event will also include a moon bounce, balloons, face painting, food and beverages.

There will be voting on witch hats decorated by the students.

Rain date is Sunday, Oct. 27. ••

Fishtown Fall Fest

The Fishtown Fall Fest will be held Saturday, Oct. 26, from 6 to 10 p.m. Join neighbors at Lutheran Settlement House’s patio and outdoor area.

Fishtown Neighbors Association will host pumpkin painting, music, beer, pizza and more. This is a kid-friendly and dog-friendly event. Admission is free. Costumes are optional. ••

Multifamily sidewalk sale

A multifamily sidewalk sale will be held on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Tulip Street between Hagert and Letterly streets.

Halloween Contest for kids at Bridesburg Rec

Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4601 Richmond St., will hold its Halloween Contest on Saturday, Oct. 26, at 2 p.m. for boys and girls 10 and under.

The event will include trophies, door prizes, treats and a tombola. ••

Alumni Mass at St. Michael’s Church

An alumni Mass will be held at St. Michael, 2nd and Jefferson streets, on Saturday, Oct. 26, at 4 p.m.

Reception to follow at Curran’s Irish Inn, 6900 State Road, from 6 to 10 p.m.

Tickets are $40 per person and include a hot buffet, dessert, open bar, DJ and donation to St. Mike’s Church.

For tickets, contact Diane, class of ’81, at 215-776-4684 or Kelly, class of ’82, at 215-519-7552. ••

Flea market at Penn Treaty Park

Friends of Penn Treaty Park will host a flea market on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Penn Treaty Park, 1301 N. Beach St.

Cost is $15 per table. Make checks payable to Tamanend Fund. Mail or drop off checks to Barbara Morehead at 2171 E. Letterly St.

For more details, call 215-425-0393. ••

Halloween Extravaganza and Fundraiser

Portside Arts Center, 2531 E. Lehigh Ave., will host a Halloween Extravaganza and Fundraiser for all ages on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 6 to 9 p.m.

The event includes food, drinks and alcoholic beverages for the adults, a family dance party, pumpkin painting, crafts and a magician.

Come dressed in costume as a family and enter the family costume contest for a chance to win a prize including a Please Touch Museum Membership, Greensgrow gift certificate and gifts from Minnow Lane.

For tickets in advance, visit portsideartscenter.org. ••

Upcoming adult and youth classes at Portside Arts Center

Portside Arts Center will offer fall classes for adults and kids. Classes will  include Saturday Youth Classes on Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., for ages 4 to 11. Cost is $25. Enroll in four classes and save 10 percent.

Stained glass adult classes on Saturdays, from Oct. 26 to Nov. 14, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Participants must be 18 or older and cost is $140 or $100 for open studio.

Portside Arts Center is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit art center located at 2531 E. Lehigh Ave. For more details, visit portsideartscenter.com or call 215-427-1514. ••

Craft show at St. Hubert

The St. Hubert High School Alumnae Association will sponsor a craft show on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The craft show will be in the school cafeteria. Visitors should enter the doors on Ditman Street, near Bleigh Avenue.

Vendors will be selling hand-made holiday gifts. ••

Flea and farmer’s markets on Columbus Boulevard

Philadelphia Flea Market will present outdoor flea markets on Saturdays, Oct. 26 and Nov. 2 and 9 at Race Street Pier, 121 N. Columbus Blvd. Admission is free.

Meanwhile, the Food Trust hosts an indoor and outdoor farmer’s market every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Cherry Street Pier, through Nov. 16.

Call 215-625-3532. ••

Spaghetti dinner to benefit Open Door Clubhouse

COMHAR’s Open Door Clubhouse will host its inaugural spaghetti dinner to benefit Clubhouse activities on Friday, Nov. 1, from 5 to 8 p.m.

Tickets must be purchased in advance from the Open Door Clubhouse, 3147 Emerald St.

Tickets are $10 and are not refundable. The meal will be spaghetti with meat sauce or vegetarian sauce, small salad, garlic bread and iced tea.

For more details or to purchase tickets, call Melinda at 215-427-5763.

Country Western Hoe-Down

American Legion Post 821, 4404 Salmon St., will host a Country Western Hoe-Down on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 7 to 11 p.m.

Cost is $30 per person and includes hot and cold buffet with sweet table, open bar and DJ Jennifer Blaze.

Western outfits, boots and cowboy hats encouraged.

For tickets, call Dolores at 215-288-4312. ••

Mystery Bingo benefitting Secret Santa

Mystery Bingo will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2, at Saint George School, 2700 E. Venango St. Doors open at 6 p.m. and bingo starts at 7 p.m.

Tickets are $30 and include dinner, 10 games of bingo plus two bonus rounds.

The event is BYOB and bring your own snacks. Wheel of chance game with gift cards and 50/50 raffles with gift baskets tickets will be available for purchase.

For more details, contact Anne at 215-380-9782.

All proceeds benefit Project Secret Santa. ••

Holiday Craft Fair and Bazaar

The Saint Anne Holiday Craft Fair and Bazaar will be held on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Saint Anne Social Hall, at Memphis and Tucker streets.

There will be a variety of vendors and crafters. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be there from

noon to 2 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. There will be complimentary refreshments from 10 a.m. to noon and 3 to 5 p.m. Tickets will be distributed during those hours.

Vendors are needed for the event. Cost for a table is $25. Contact Claire Gardner at 215-425-3232 or the rectory 215-739-4590 for more information.

Pool, darts and shuffleboard tournament

Stars and Stripes, Bars and Pipes Bravo Chapter will host a “round robin” pool, darts and shuffleboard tournament on Sunday, Nov. 10, at noon at the Polonia Club, 4431 Belgrade St.

The event is a two-person, co-ed team tournament and cost is $40 prior or $50 at the door per team. Registration opens at 11 a.m.

All-around winning team takes 50 percent of pay in.

Proceeds will go toward helping veterans in the community and first responders in the area. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase. ••

Veterans Day memorial service at VFW Post 2

The Bridesburg Lawton VFW Post #2 will celebrate Veterans Day with a memorial service at the Post, 4638 Richmond St., on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 11 a.m.

Fellow veterans, friends and neighbors are invited to join the VFW in this remembrance and salute to all veterans.

Refreshments will be available following the service.

For more details, call 215-537-0187.  ••

Autism Beef and Beer Fundraiser

The Autism Beef and Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 7 to midnight at The E.O.M. Club, 138 Moore St.

Tickets are $35. There will be 50/50 raffle tickets available for purchase.

Table sponsors are needed. A business or individual can be a table sponsor for $100. Monetary donations and baskets are greatly appreciated.

For tickets or to donate, contact Mina Dever at 215-427-1133 or [email protected]. Donations can be mailed to Mina Dever at 3314 Almond St.

The fundraiser will benefit Autism Speaks and local Autism programs and schools. ••

Coach Bingo at St. Hubert

The St. Hubert Alumnae Association will sponsor Coach Bingo on Sunday, Nov. 17, in the school cafeteria, 7320 Torresdale Ave.

The event runs from 1 to 4 p.m. and is open to people 18 and older. Doors open at noon.

Tickets cost $35, and must be purchased in advance.

For tickets or more information, email [email protected]. ••

Angel Photos at rec center

Registration for Angel Photos at Bridesburg Rec Center, 4601 Richmond St., is now open.

A $10 nonrefundable deposit is required. Balance of $15 to be paid day photos are taken.

Limit of four children per appointment. Pictures will be taken the first week of November.

For more details, contact Miss Jackie at 215-685-1247 or 215-533-6448. ••

Adult Zumba classes at Bridesburg Rec

Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4601 Richmond St., will offer adult Zumba classes on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Cost is $4. ••

Call for food, clothing donations

Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4601 Richmond St., is collecting nonperishable food and clothing for the needy in the neighborhood. Donations can be dropped off at the rec center weekdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For details, call Miss Jackie at 215-685-1247. ••

NFL raffle tickets will help Port Richmond Tigers

NFL raffle tickets are now being sold to benefit the Port Richmond Tigers and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 266. Tickets are $10. Each ticket offers a chance to win every week of the season. There will be $500 in prizes every week for all 17 weeks. Five winners will be chosen each week.

All proceeds benefit the Tigers and Vietnam veterans.

Anyone interested in purchasing a ticket or for more information, call Tom Mack at 215-275-8838. Winners will be notified weekly and posted on the Port Richmond Tigers Facebook page. ••

Flag football at the Bridesburg Rec Center

Bridesburg Rec Center will offer a flag football program designed to introduce boys and girls ages 7 to 9 and 10 to 13 to the game of football. It’s also an opportunity for kids already playing to get more practice. The program will feature arena-style football in the gym and be held on Tuesday nights.

Registration is $15.

For more details or to register, call 215-685-1247 or stop by the office at 4601 Richmond St. and ask for John, Mike, Siobhan or Tina. ••


The Port Richmond Neighborhood Association meeting 

Port Richmond Neighborhood Association meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month at Cohocksink Rec Center, Cedar and Cambria streets, at 7 p.m.

All Port Richmond business owners and residents welcome.

The goal of the group is to unite the neighborhood in every positive way possible. ••


EnhanceFitness Class at LSH

Lutheran Settlement House, at 1340 Frankford Ave. in Fishtown, is offering an EnhanceFitness Class on Tuesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. and Fridays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

The program focuses on stretching, flexibility, balance strengthening and low-impact aerobics exercises for active older adults at any fitness level. EnhanceFitness provides a challenging yet safe environment for the unfit or near frail. EnhanceFitness is a state Department of Aging evidence-based exercise program.

For information, contact Caroline Klug at 215-460-8610, Ext. 1206 or [email protected]. •• 


New art class at Lutheran Settlement House

Lutheran Settlement House, at 1340 Frankford Ave. in Fishtown, will host an art class for individuals 55+ on Mondays from 1 to 2 p.m. Participants can try a variety of fine arts such as painting, sketching and watercolor with guided instruction and expertise.

For information, contact Caroline Klug at 215-460-8610, Ext. 1206 or [email protected]. •• 


Benefit for military charities

The Michael Strange Foundation and Operation First Response will hold a Gala of Courage on Saturday, Nov. 2., from 6 to 10 p.m. at Drexelbrook Catering, 4700 Drexelbrook Drive, in Drexel Hill.

The guest will be Rob O’Neill, the Navy SEAL who shot Osama bin Laden.

The master of ceremonies will be Rich Zeoli, who hosts a morning show on WPHT (1210 AM).

Other speakers will be Thomas “Drago” Dzieran, a retired SEAL and political refugee from Poland; Ronny “Tony” Porta, severely injured in Iraq; Peggy Baker, mother of a combat veteran and founder of Operation First Response; and Charles Strange, a Gold Star father and founder of the Michael Strange Foundation.

U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Strange was killed in Afghanistan in 2011. He was among 38 killed when their Chinook helicopter was shot down by insurgents. Strange, 25, grew up in Wissinoming and graduated from St. Bartholomew Elementary School and North Catholic High School (class of 2004).

Tickets are $100 for dinner and a general reception or $250 for dinner reception presentation and meet and greet.

To buy tickets, be a sponsor, donate an item for the silent auction or for more information, go to galaofcourage.com. ••


Apply for cheap internet

Comcast is expanding eligibility for Internet Essentials to include all qualified low-income households in its service area.

The company estimates that more than 3 million additional low-income households, including households with people with disabilities, are now eligible to apply.

Since August 2011, Internet Essentials has connected more than 8 million low-income individuals, from 2 million households, to the internet at home.

To be eligible to apply to the program, low-income applicants need to show they are participating in one of more than a dozen different government assistance programs.

A list of these programs can be found at internetessentials.com.

The program includes the option to purchase an internet-ready computer for less than $150, and low-cost, high-speed internet service for $9.95 a month plus tax.

For more information, or to apply for the program in seven different languages, call 855-846-8376. ••


American Legion seeks members

In a legislative win for the American Legion, President Trump signed the LEGION (Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for National) Service Act.

The bill declares that the United States has been in a state of war since Dec. 7, 1941, recognizing about 1,600 American service members who were killed or wounded in previously undeclared periods of war.

The Act opens the door for approximately 6 million veterans to join the American Legion and avail themselves to the programs and benefits the Legion offers that they had not been previously eligible.

“We are very excited that Congress passed this bill and the president signed it,” said American Legion 5th District Commander Jim Cantz, commander of the Cpl. John Loudenslager Post in Fox Chase. “It is important to recognize all those who answered their nation’s call and in many cases have made the ultimate sacrifice.”

Bruce Conklin, commander of the William D. Oxley Post in Holmesburg, noted that the number of eligible veterans to join the Legion has been dwindling, as most of our Vietnam veterans are now in their 70s and the Global War on Terrorism has been fought by a much smaller number of service members.

“This is a great opportunity to reach out to more of our veterans and get them involved in the Legion. This new law also expands the eligibility pool for the Sons of the American Legion, which is open to men whose father or grandfather served in the armed forces, and the Legion Auxiliary, that is open to spouses of veterans.”

For more information on joining the American Legion, call Jim Cantz at 215-609-2416 or go to www.pa-legion.org. ••





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