Port Richmond Neighborhood Action elves are helping the senior citizens living at Nativity BVM Place, 3255 Belgrade St., this holiday season.
To participate, buy items with a total limit of $10, place them in a gift bag and drop them off at one of the following locations:
Olde Philly Pharmacy, 2923 E. Thompson St.; Charlotte Jagielski Gohl, 3364 Almond St.; Kelli Ziomek, 610-761-2933; Port Richmond Savings, 2522 E. Allegheny Ave.; William Penn Bank, 2701 E. Allegheny Ave. (at Edgemont Street); Our Lady of Port Richmond School, 3233 E. Thompson St.; E Nails, Imperial Plaza, 3400 Aramingo Ave., Suite 4; St. George, 2700 E. Venango St.; and Hecker’s Deli, 2620 Venango St.
Items must be manufacturer sealed, and cannot be over-the-counter medications or flammable.
The drop-off deadline is Dec. 12. ••