A major milestone in Philadelphia has been reached: the completion of a cutting-edge last-mile distribution center at 5000 Richmond.
Spearheaded by Dov Hertz’s DH Property Holdings, LLC (DHPH), the project...
Mecha Noodle Bar is set to open its first Philadelphia location at the Urby development on 1700 N Front St.
The restaurant, known for its Southeast Asian street food, specializes...
Throngs of busy commuters skirted police tape on Front Street Thursday morning as officers from the Philadelphia Police Department’s Homicide Unit investigated a fatal...
In a hotly contested race for City Council’s 1st Councilmanic District, South Philly resident Mark Squilla came through with a victory over fellow Democrats...
Hank Slaveski, Grand Marshal of the Bridesburg Memorial Day parade, pose for a portrait on his decorated porch, Saturday, May 21, 2011.With Memorial Day coming...
(From left) 1st District candidates Vern Anastasio, Joe Grace, Mark Squilla and Jeff Hornstein debated issues facing the district last week at the Veteran...
City officials met with the Fairmount Civic Association last week to address parking concerns.In a special meeting, Thursday, May 5, the Fairmount Civic Association...